General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. London: Macmillan, 1936
First edition of this classic of modern economics, “on which Keynes’s fame as the outstanding economist of his generation must rest” (DNB).
American Mahogany Butler’s Desk from the Holmes family home at 296 Beacon Street, Boston. American, ca. 1830
Justice Holmes’s butler’s desk from the family home on Beacon Street.
Genes, Girls and Gamow. Oxford: University Press, 2001
First edition. A tremendous presentation copy inscribed by James Watson to Francis Crick: “For Francis from Jim.”
Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist. Evanston: Library of Living Philosophers, 1949
FIRST EDITION. One of 760 numbered copies signed and dated by Einstein.
The World as I See It. New York: Philosophical Library, (c.1949)
Signed and dated 1950 by Albert Einstein on the front free endpaper.
(PHOTOGRAPHS) Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of the celebrated collection of works of art and vertu known as “The Vienna Museum,” the property of Messrs. Lowenstein Brothers, of Frankfort-on-the-Main. London: Christie, Manson & Woods, 1860
This important volume is “the earliest photographically illustrated auction catalogue” (Gernsheim, Incunabula, 122). It contains 36 photographs on salted paper by Hermann Emden of Frankfurt.
Economics: An Introductory Analysis.. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1948
First edition of the greatest and most influential modern economics text-book. Inscribed by Samuelson for Eric Roll. Roll, professor of economics and later chairman of S. G. Warburg & Co., wrote the classic History of Economic Thought (1938, 4th ed., 1973).
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. London: Strahan and Cadell, 1791
SIXTH EDITION of the most important book in the history of economics. One of 2000 sets. The sixth edition is the first to have been published after Smith’s death in 1790.
[Poster.] Nuzhno usilit’ i ukrepit’ internatsional’nye proletarskie sviazi rabochego klassa SSSR a rabochim klassom burzhuaznykh stran [“We Must Reinforce and Consolidate the International Proletarian Links of the Working Class of the USSR with the Working Class of the Bourgeois Countries” – Stalin]. Moscow, Izostat, 20 October 1940
This dramatic poster, similar in style to the Socialist Realist graphics found in USSR In Construction, exhorts the people to support MOPL, the International Organization of Helpers of Fighters for the Revolution. The figures represent international workers united with the Soviets in the heroic struggle for the Revolution. The poster was printed during the last year of Lissitzky’s life while he worked for the Soviet state with the sure knowledge that his friends and colleagues were the victims of Stalin’s purges.
A collection of manuscripts and typescripts written by a member of the Revisionist Zionist movement.. Palestine, 1930-1943