(AMERICAN WEST.) ,Watkins, Taber, Savage, and others
Magnificent Album of Mammoth Photographs of the American West, with other subjects. various, ca. 1865-1880s
This magnificent American West photograph album contains an astounding 21 mammoth photographs by leading photographers including Carleton Watkins, Charles R. Savage, and Isaiah West Taber, as well as other important photographs.
Original glass plate photograph, Hopi Woman, prepared by Curtis for the printing of The North American Indian.. This portrait, titled Hopi Woman, was published as a photogravure in The North American Indian, volume 12, plate 411.,
This is a splendid original glass plate made for Curtis’s The North American Indian, the greatest photographic work on Native Americans.
The Original Big Tree, 32 feet diameter. Charles Weed, 1864
Mammoth albumen print (15 ½ x 20 in.), mounted.
Original glass plate interpositive prepared by Curtis for the printing of The North American Indian. Curtis, 1924
This is a splendid original glass plate made for Edward Curtis’s The North American Indian, the greatest photographic work on Native Americans. Curtis, one of the greatest American artists of his era, was the most celebrated photographer of North American Indians.
32 Fort Laramie Treaty Photographs. Fort Laramie, Wyoming Territory, 1868
This landmark series of Alexander Gardner photographs documents the Fort Laramie Treaty conference. The Treaty of Fort Laramie of 1868 guaranteed the Lakota ownership of the Black Hills in the Wyoming Territory. The treaty was signed by U.S. officials and representatives of the Arapaho, Northern Cheyenne, Crow, and the Brule, Oglala and Miniconjou Dakota. Intended to stop Indian hostilities against white settlers and miners traveling the Bozeman Trail, the treaty ended Red Cloud’s War.
Sentinel Rock, 3270 Feet High. San Francisco, 1864
This spectacular view shows Sentinel Rock towering above a rider on horseback in a well-lit clearing.
Collection of Ten Photographs from Mooney’s Pioneering Investigations of the Ghost Dance and Other Native American Circle Dances. Various places, c. 1892-93
The rare and important collection documents the famous Ghost Dance and related circle dances soon after Wounded Knee. The collection testifies to the tragic demise of the Native American spiritual and cultural practices during the tumultuous Ghost Dance period. These photographs were taken by James Mooney (1861-1921), an anthropologist with the Bureau of American Ethnology. He left Washington in late 1890 to investigate the potentially incendiary Ghost Dance movement. Mooney’s rare portrait of Wovoka is one highlight of the collection. Mooney’s Ghost Dance photographs are of the greatest rarity in the market. We can trace no others having appeared for sale.
Great Salt Lake City, Wasatch Mts. Salt Lake City, 1869
This is a splendid print of this classic Jackson view of Salt Lake City.
An album of 32 photographs of Yosemite and the American West. Various places, c. 1890s
This beautiful album contains many splendid views of the scenic wonders of Yosemite. Subjects include the many magnificent falls, the Mariposa Grove of sequoias, and the great geological formations. At least two of the views in this collection were taken by Carleton Watkins. Those for which attribution to Watkins has been confirmed are singled out below, but this collection merits further investigation to identify Watkins photographs.
Opening day of the Suez Canal. Port Said , Nov. 16, 1869
This photograph depicts the harbor and canal on the day of the opening of the Suez Canal, the “greatest engineering feat of the nineteenth century” (Smith). “Clearly, the canal’s opening festivities placed Egypt in a new way on the European cultural map” (Haddad, “Digging to India: Modernity, Imperialism, and the Suez Canal”).